Sunday, October 31, 2010

IKU Design...Assisted mode..

Again the diagram is self explainatory...I will keep the text un documented this time too, to get the comprehending Picture anytime I looked at it.

IKU Design...Autonomous mode..


There is a big opportunity to extend messaging functionality onto S40 handsets and in emerging markets.The application aims to serve the business purpose towards this direction.The application aims at building the social networking via SMS.This could be later integrated with the Mailing services, once become a hit and the consumer response.More over CCA server can be merged into the OVI server which is integrating its services under a common unified umbrella – “Ovi”

Currently, there are two common modes of communictaion widely used amongst people, namely internet and mobile Phones. And, we can access the internet from our mobile handsets.

Current GPRS based service: Needs GPRS or GPRS activated/supported on mobile phones. Social networking sites aim at having the facility of GPRS facilites in the handsets, and needs an application which runs on WAP. GPRS is a mandatory requirement.

Proposed SMS based service: It doesn’t need GPRS always to connect with friends. All you need is a single SMS which will give you enough information about how many of your friends/acquaintances are in common with the new friend. This is an SMS based service.The size of the contacts which can be downloaded or sent from the server is much less than the WAP content.

It is a combintation of messaging server with one server application running at the server side and the client running at the Mobile device side.

With the advent of 3g/4gs evrytign is going to come on cloud and Mobile phones are going to be the best means to read through them.Going forward, inclusion of GPRS to this applicaton will make it more powerful as other contents like common music, pictures, maps and profiles can be accessed/Shared as well.

Autonomous :

"IKU .- I know You ..." application Idea trailer ...

This small video on an application Idea(Hw/sw) can be used for any phone...having full app support for social networking...!!
For more details comment/Contact me..

..Phoentricks for fools ..just the two..!

.......Well what could you expect form a guy working for a phone company will post about...Phone tricks..for the fools..and later word is more typically pointing towards a special kind of the end of the blog you will come to know who they are..but can be mis used in hell lot of ways...I m trying here to be a professional blogger :P ....mind my words...stuff is more important...

here comes the trick one...this is possible with only S60 phones (or may be any other phone too but wirth trying..but not in S40 ohones)...S60 is the Symbian phone, Symbian which is now an open source since Nokia acquired it, those were the old S60 phones having Symbian version < 3 , now more latest version having greater UI effect using Symbain s^3 or Symbian s^4 will be coming in the the trick is..
..While calling you just have to browse through th gallery and simulatenously turn ON the music(or play the music)which you want to play simultaneously while the call is on going.., and you will see the melodious song being played behind your call...and you can talk ...turn the volume up and down,increase the bass, twist the equalizers pause the song at the important "quotes" and resume it on the go ,create a playlist of you own words and echo it on the other side of the ears.. i tried it in S40 phone,it didnt happen, i found the internal servers are voice protected and dont allow the voice routing through the audio channel , well but we have Symbian and high end(costly) phones which does this....
Another trick,,you may like this more than first one..
if you are sitting in a closed range room and want to dote around on a hot anti-ur-sex stranger...or straightly any- one.. change the phone Visible name on the Blue-tooth settings to the crisp message(use your twitter-sense) and try connecting the phone you want to connect with must know the type of the phone ur stranger is holding(have a good eye on it)..lest you could end up connecting with a 80 yr old termagant , beware what she is carying in her hands..obviously when you try to connect to that phone the name of the phone will come on the UI like "I love you red Top girl" trying to connect or Accept "u asshole " type of message...
be sure to catch the expression and make out what next you have to do....
woooooahhhhhhhhhhhhh u got it...!!
use it at your good will or mis use it at your own peril..!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

..Nokia Phone Book S40 phone.

Phone number recognition Bug in nokia phone book in NOkia S40 phone....reproduce it like this...

.Save a number 123456789 with name ABC , make a call...UI will show calling ABC..
.Now make another call to the number XY3456789,this number has to be different from the above one by just 2 first numbers like XY can be 10,11(but not 12),13, 14,15,16,1,7,18,19 ., you will see the UI showing calling ABC only !!!!!!!!!!! or both XY can be different from the original one this will happen !!!!